Sensory Stimulation and Therapy

Young mom and her baby boy (2 years) at home playing with modeling clay dough.

Sensory Toys are used to help children with special needs they are used to assist in providing sensory stimulation and therapy. This practice is becoming popular nowadays in the Australian market because of their ability to help children with special needs like ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorder and other developmental diabilities. 

These Sensory Toys gives different tactile, auditory, visual and olfactory stimulation which can be helpful for those who needs assistance in developing sensory-motor skills. They have also been found to be useful in distressing or reducing stress and anxiety. 

Sensory toys can be in different shapes and sizes. These can come in different forms like balls, tunnels, bubbles tubes and more. There are also electronic toys available which can provide sound and light stimulation. 

Using sensory toys can be enjoyable for both children and adults especially parents. This can be a great bond between the child and the carer. By providing children with sensory toys, they can gain the additional stimulation they need in order to grow, develop and reach their potential. So why not give them a try – you may be surprised at what you’ll find!

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