Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how collects, uses, and discloses your Personal Information when you visit or make a purchase from the Site.


Collecting Personal Information

When you visit our Site, we collect certain information from your device and your interaction with the Site. We use this data to enhance your experience on the Site, process purchases, and provide customer support.

If you contact us for customer support, we also collect additional information related to your interaction with our support team. The Personal Information we may collect includes but is not limited to the information below:


Device Information

  • Personal information collected: Version of web browser, IP address, time zone, cookie information, what sites or products you view, search terms and how you interact with the Site.
  • Purpose of collection: The collected data helps us to identify areas of improvement for our Site. This includes determining which content is popular, or if technical issues exist on certain pages that we need to fix.
  • Source of collection: We use cookies, log files, web beacons, tags, and pixels to automatically collect information when you access our Site.
  • Disclosure for a business purpose: It is shared with our processor Woocommerce


Order Information

  • Personal information collected: Name, billing address, shipping address, payment information (including credit card numbers), email address, phone number and NDIS participants details.
  • Purpose of collection: We may use your contact information to fulfill our contract, process your payment information, arrange your shipping, and send you the invoice or confirmation of your order. We also use the information to contact you, screen our orders for potential risk or fraud, and provide you with information about our new products or services.
  • Source of collection: Collected from you
  • Disclosure for a business purpose: It is shared with our processor Woocommerce.


Customer Support Information

  • Purpose of collection: to provide customer support.
  • Source of collection: collected from you.



The Site is not intended for individuals under the age of 5. We do not intentionally collect Personal Information from children, and we take extra care to protect the privacy of those who may visit. So if you are a parent or guardian of a child aged five or younger, please do not allow them to use the Site or provide us with any information. And if you believe your child has provided us with Personal Information, please contact us at the address below to request deletion. We take the protection of children’s privacy seriously and will remove any information about them upon request.


Sharing Personal Information

In order to deliver our services and carry out our agreements with you, as mentioned above, we share your Personal Information with service providers. For example:

  • Our online store is powered by WordPress. Visit to learn more about how WordPress utilizes your personal information.
  • We may share your Personal Information in order to comply with the rules and regulations, to answer to a subpoena, search warrant, or other legitimate request for information, or in order to defend our rights.


Behavioral Advertising

As previously mentioned, we use your Personal Information to send you marketing communications or advertising that we think will be of interest to you. For example:

  • To better understand how our consumers use the website, we use Google Analytics. Visit to learn more about how Google uses your Personal Information. Here is another link where you can choose not to use Google Analytics:
  • We provide our advertising partners with information about your usage of the Site, your purchases, and how you engage with our ads on other websites. Depending on your region, you might be asked for permission to use cookies or other similar technologies when we collect and share some of this information directly with our advertising partners.

Visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s (“NAI”) instructional page at for more details on how targeted advertising functions.

To reject targeted advertising, follow these steps:

Visit the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at to further decline some of these services.


Using Personal Information

We take your privacy very seriously and use the information we collect from you to provide, personalize, and improve our services. This includes processing payments, fulfilling orders, shipping products, providing customer service and support, sending marketing communications (if you opt-in to receive them) and offering new products or services.



Once you have placed an order, we will store your personal information in our records. This includes all the data collected during the ordering process such as name, address and payment details. You can request to have your personal information removed from our records at any time by contacting us using the details on our website.



Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your computer or device and used by websites for various purposes. They can help improve your experience of using our website, as well as useful information on how the website is being used. For example, they can remember your preferences so you don’t have to keep entering them each time you visit or keep track of your progress through a website so you can resume where you left off. Cookies can also help us analyze website usage, such as which pages are most popular and which areas need improvement. This allows us to make adjustments based on customer feedback in order to create a better user experience. In addition, cookies may be used to display targeted advertisements that are more relevant to your interests. 


Cookies Necessary for Functioning of the Store

Store front end:

Name  Duration Function
woocommerce_cart_hash session Helps WooCommerce determine when cart contents/data changes.
woocommerce_items_in_cart session Helps WooCommerce determine when cart contents/data changes.
wp_woocommerce_session_ 2 days Contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer.
woocommerce_recently_viewed session Powers the Recent Viewed Product widget
Store_notice[notice id] session Allows customers to dismiss the Store Notice

Store front end:

Name  Duration Function
woocommerce_snooze_suggestions__[suggestion] 2 days Allows dashboard users to dismiss Marketplace suggestions, if enabled.
woocommerce_dismissed_suggestions__[context] 1 month Count of suggestion dismissals, if enabled.
tk_ai session Stores a randomly-generated anonymous ID. This is only used within the dashboard (/wp-admin) area and is used for usage tracking, if enabled.


Reporting and Analytics

The “persistent” or “session” cookie determines how long a cookie will stay on your computer or device. Persistent cookies are used to remember your preferences for future visits to make your online experience more personalized. While Session cookies are temporary cookies that expire at the end of a browser session and are used to keep track of information you enter from page to page during a single browser session. The majority of the cookies we use are persistent, with an expiration that varies from 30 minutes to 2 years after they are downloaded to your device.

Cookies can be managed and controlled in a number of ways. But please be aware that doing so can make certain areas of our website less accessible and negatively affect your user experience. Additionally, you might not be able to use all of our services to your advantage. 

If you choose to not accept cookies, you can disable or remove them on your browser’s “Tool” or “Preferences” menu. However, cookies are helpful in providing information based on your interests. That’s why disabling cookies could mean missing out on some useful features, such as being able to remember log-in details or storing items in a shopping basket. So we recommend allowing them to ensure you get the most out of our website. To learn more about how cookies can enhance your user experience, please refer to 

We may also share your information with third parties, such as our advertising partners, to show you relevant content and advertisements that are tailored to your interests. It is important to note that blocking cookies may not completely prevent us from sharing information with these third parties. If you would like to exercise your rights or opt out of certain uses of your information by our advertising partners, please refer to the instructions in our “Behavioral Advertising” section outlined above.


Do not Track

We respect the privacy of your data and take every measure possible to honour any “Do Not Track” signals that are sent from your browser. This means that even if a signal is detected, we will not alter our collection or usage policies in any way. We strive to maintain industry standards when it comes to data protection and privacy so that you can be assured that any information you provide to us is safe and secure. 



Whenever we make changes to this Privacy Policy such as changes to our practices, or operation, legal, or regulatory reasons, we will post the updated version on our website. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. 



Contact us by email at or by letter at the address listed below if you would like more information about our privacy practices, have concerns, or would like to file a complaint.

Last Updated: July 03, 2023


If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you have the right to lodge your complaint with the relevant data protection authority. You can find information about your local data protection authority by searching for the term ‘Data Protection Authority’ in your country or area.